Gifts or donations from individuals interested in supporting the science being done in the MusLab are welcome! Research with animal models is expensive and grant support more competitive and difficult to obtain than ever. The PI (Dr. Harshaw) continuously applies for grant funding from federal and state agencies. Support from individual donors is nevertheless vital both to augment external funding–i.e., budgets are cut almost every year–as well as to support research during periods of low external funding. These funds will not only help cover costs of ongoing research projects, but will also support the lab’s undergraduate and graduate students. These funds will help students design and complete their own original research projects as well as support travel to conferences and thus student participation in the wider scientific community. UNO educates diverse and talented students who deserve every opportunity to gain experience in research and succeed in science!

If you are interested in donating to support our research and students, please follow the steps below:

  • Under Designation, choose “Other”
  • Under “Other” write “MusLab/Harshaw Lab Research Fund”

Thank you, in advance, for your support!